Monday, August 9, 2010

Afgans on a plate

Lately everyday product, place or event marketing seems to have a 'home-made' aesthetic.

Today I was in another cafe with an 'uber-cool' aesthetic (what can I say I like their pastries). There on the counter are some afgans, bite-size in scale and individually bagged with cafe-branded folded cardboard strip stapled over the top. Though priced at some exobant rate, it was the cynical nature of this offering which annoyed me.

Seems everywhere you go now, the 'home-spun' trend of marketing is at work. Here is nana's baking ripped from its wholesome origins of charity and metal tins and re-worked into a desirable commodity.

There seems to be such an overload of reproduced alternative culture in the mainstream, it's hard to be excited and truly inspired by the 'originality' of it. I wonder how alternative culture will counteract this attack and maintain it's underground edge?

I like going to alternative craft fairs, zine fests and flea markets, but disappointed it is so accessible and heavily promoted. I'd love to just stumble across a random event again. Starting to forget what that feels like.

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