Monday, December 28, 2009


After being AWOL from this blog for several months, I've been confronted by the long list of "untitled posts" still to publish.
Back-blogging is terrible blog etiquette but is incredibly tempting.

The hardest thing is trying to remember what you were thinking about three months ago. Was I consumed by world events, rude drivers, a celebrity reality show or general day-to-day life?

Time to consult the diary! Failing that due to lack of entries, there is only one thing for it - write without a seasonal reference or make it up.

Have I fallen into yet another blog faux-pas? Are blogs real-life?
It is pretty difficult to tell whether blog entries are authentic reality episodes in someone's life. Never assume is a golden rule in Journalism.

But let's be realistic, some entries are so boring they have to be real life. Reality TV is always better scripted. 'The Hills' is a prime example.

Least I have avoided the bad 'I haven't blog for a while, but will soon' -promise of delivery without delivering is shocking. Readers aren't going to hang round while you feel guilty.

Time for some time-travel.

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