Caterpillars are crawling on the swan plant outside, soon it'll be too cold for them to turn into butterflies. Their life process must be pure instinct as mother isn't hovering about.
Differences with human society are we are taught the 'rules' depending on the teacher from day dot. Out with the cavemen went living on instinct. If we want to be part of society, we are bound by social expectations like manners and process, regulations and signs.
At the cinema, you are given seat numbers, reminded to sit only in that seat and stay there for the movie. It is funny the amount of people who check their tickets and seat numbers and sit in the allocated spot, as if a patrol could check them at any time.
Differences with human society are we are taught the 'rules' depending on the teacher from day dot. Out with the cavemen went living on instinct. If we want to be part of society, we are bound by social expectations like manners and process, regulations and signs.
At the cinema, you are given seat numbers, reminded to sit only in that seat and stay there for the movie. It is funny the amount of people who check their tickets and seat numbers and sit in the allocated spot, as if a patrol could check them at any time.
At your own peril we can ignore rules, signs and limits. It must be the fear of the consequence like a parking ticket which motivates the majority to participate.
Parking spaces themselves are an example of rules. We can't park for more than an hour or beyond our paid time, we must park within the lines, no-one can park during clearway times and our registration should be current. All these rules for two lines of white/yellow paint?
But everyone lines up and accepts these conditions, invisibly signing a contract with known consequences. I find it a little disconcerting the amount of times we have to accept conditions in everyday life.
We need rules to be fair for everyone,but these regulations become a burden after a while. I moot the need for a 'no-rules day'. Of course it would be carnage on the streets with no-one obeying road rules, personal space boundaries or authoritive figures, but that is mere detail.
Living in the city sure has its challenges, think I'll take refuge for now in the freedom of non-metered spaces. I like to live dangerously!
Living in the city sure has its challenges, think I'll take refuge for now in the freedom of non-metered spaces. I like to live dangerously!
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