Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Gamebox 1.0

After collecting ex-DVDs for a couple of months straight, I'm finally getting round to watching some of them.
It is becoming painfully clear that I was slightly misguided in my choices ranging from bad to worse.
Last night, I sat down to watch my first sci-fi action choice and was pleasantly surprised.

'Gamebox 1.0' - action/thriller set in the virtual game world of video games was pretty exciting. Our hero is a 20 something guy, depressed after his girlfriend was shot by a crooked cop. His past makes him a perfect pawn for a game that won't let you quit till you've either won or dead.

High pitched game music and low-budget computer generated sets were quite funny to watch combined with the rather clunky dialogue.

I quite liked it though and it happily chewed away a few hours from my Monday night. Maybe there are some actual bargains in the sale bin!

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