"P.S I'm going to the beach on Monday."
Found this line written in an old greeting card sandwiched between used books at tonight's Red Cross Bookfair.
Found this line written in an old greeting card sandwiched between used books at tonight's Red Cross Bookfair.
It was a faded, spotted with age Mother's Day card signed 'Love Antony'. Must have been a bookmark displaced from its final resting place.
I wondered what the significance of the post script was, maybe a bach at the beach or old family home?
It made me sad that maybe this was all the communication between mother and son in a year.
Strange to catch glimpses of other people's lives in a greeting card at a bookfair of all places.
After shuffling around tables perusing book spines and walking around others fixed to their spot rather than give way, I stopped by the 'Children/Young Adults' section.
Several years ago, I gave away my large (150) collection of a particular young adults paperback series. I had written my name rather largely in the first page of each book.
I spied some of these titles on this table and couldn't help checking if they were mine. Instead each was printed with 'Corrine Brunt '84' inside.
Wonder if they'll ever resurface? Reminds me of how 'Love in the Time of Cholera' was used in the rather corny movie "Serendipity'.
My final haul from this year's bookfair included paperbacks: 'Valley of the Dolls', 'Once in a House on Fire' and 'Dreams of Leaving', couple of 'Your Home and Garden' magazines and a 'Pretty In Pink' movie soundtrack.
Hopefully will actually get around to reading them rather than becoming my latest decorative dust collectors before the next book fair.
This post reminds me of that movie, "Definitely Maybe" where Amy Adams (can't remember her character's name) is looking for the copy of Jane Eyre her father gave her for her birthday when she was younger by going into every used bookstore she comes across and opening up old copies of the book to check for her father's inscription.
(That was a super-long sentence.)
Like your blog!
I'll have to get 'Definitely Maybe' out on DVD, sounds good!
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