When reality gets too gritty, there is nothing like an escape. I've been wondering if its possible to escape reality fully.
Could we live in a detailed daydream, believing our situation is perfect? But then who are we really fooling, others or just ourselves?
In the book 'The Virgin' by Erik Barmack, the main character, Joseph reinvents himself for a reality dating show. Unfortunately he can't quite carry off the new and improved version 'Jeb', but he makes an interesting comment about lying.
"First, you need to believe the lie. And then you need to wish the lie into being, even if the lie is awful and you may want it erased a few seconds later....Liars hide nothing. We don't hedge. We believe what we say."
Lies always seem to unravel (in books and movies at least). Once the mirage is over, what is left. No wonder there are so many distractions out there, you really can take your pick.
Say its Friday night, the DVD store is busy with people browsing- keen to be entertained and waste a couple of hours.
Libraries always seem busy during the weekend. So you start browsing for that interesting book and digest every fictional synopsis. It draws you in, you want to know what happens, you're sold!
Sometimes I find all these mini summaries overwhelming when tired. I realise I don't care about any of the characters, they are all melodramas about someone else's life.
Maybe that's why its easy to cross the line between reality and imagination, it is someone else's drama/problem/situation not your own.
Immersing yourself in their lives for a few moments, a couple of hours or the weekend ends by closing the book,using the remote or just tuning out.
Shame real life doesn't come with its own pause button while we daydream.
It could come in handy.
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