I'm gradually plastering an identity around the net on a variety of sites, even if they are all under slightly different guises. I may as well unite them in one common place.
So I began trolling for a new free web-based platform. There are plenty about but most are rather pushy about buying something.
I guess it takes the professionalism out when there is some dodgy name attached at the end of your address, all for sake of staying free but I'm rather fond of my own stinginess.
We all yearn for a shred of professionalism and sometimes that falls a little flat. Guess you try and take things in your stride and hope readers/employers can see behind the fake cardboard backdrop and see the effort.
Think I've been listening to the 'girls can do anything speech' and my grandmother's hype a little long but we all need some confidence in life or that is at least what I think.
Anyway to the matter at hand, finding a site, figuring out the content and launch it upon the masses.
Weebly looks easy, especially the design and layout. Now all is left is to decide on a name and run with it.
No link to post here as I'm stuck on my slightly environmental outlook.
Will my little bit of Internet junk add to the information highway? Think I'll just bite the bullet and send it out there.
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