Monday, November 3, 2008

TV withdrawal

As an avid TV addict, the medium itself is leaving me increasingly cold.
How much more mindless TV can we take before we run for hills screaming for mercy?

Its like a daily diet of pasta and cheese, it soon becomes evident that time is passing but you are not really living.
If you read the letters to the TV Guide, we should be outside throwing ourselves around the back garden or using the remote and turning the box off.

Maybe it dulls your brain. I find the trivial actions of everyday people eating lunch, talking, shopping somehow fascinating now when paired with ridiculous commentary. Or is the ultimate death knock on your social life-"I can't go out tonight, CSI is on!"

As we are nearly at the end of election season, the TV news is now as entertaining as 'Home and Away' as politicians plead for votes with empty purses.

Debates heralded as the 'deciding event' of the election are mind-numbingly boring. A tired audience who have heard all the arguments before, act as judge and jury.

Sleeping on the couch instead of watching sounds like a great alternative. If only I could press the off button as fast as the on switch.

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