Amongst the overpriced books on street art or how to draw cartoons was the book 'Post A Secret'.
It is a community art project that encourages people to send in postcards of their secrets.
I've seen about two of the four editions which have been released and the content just gets crazier.
Its amazing the creativity out there even when you are dealing with the most painful secret possible. Most are weird scribblings or collages to over-emphasise the point.
Imagine the relief of sending your secrets to a box number anonymously. You could tell them anything and it won't be traced back to you but it would be out there. Published in Borders no less!
Maybe its perverted that we are automatically drawn to wanting to knowing what other peoples secrets are even if they are anonymous. Toilet walls, postcards, gossip columns- nothing has become outdated yet as a medium to divulge information to our community or the world.
We all want to know forbidden information, but how far does it go before it makes even us uncomfortable. Maybe because its anonymous there is not even a line marked in the sand.
'Post A Secret' now has its own blog, due to the sheer volume of secrets being sent in.
1 comment:
It's a guilty pleasure of mine to visit the website version of this :P I didn't actually know there were books of it...def have to hunt them down!
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