Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mix Tape

I was browsing the latest blogs of note the other day and came across a virtual mixtape. It was something a bit different so I went to the mixwit site.

Its interesting but lets be honest, its a time-killer listening to other 'tapes' already saved at the site. Some users seem to create a tape everyday just to capture the mood.

I've become a little addicted, so thought I'd post my first offering above. Its definitely quicker than creating a physical mix tape!

After writing the above, mixwit closed down which I'm sure disheartened some loyal followers. But the virtual tape will appear again in another form, every day there is something new to discover.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Zine Scene

Independent publications such as zines never went out of popularity it seems. I've been thinking about them for a while, looked up blogs about them and generally wondered how does one get into the zine scene.

I love the homemade nature of a photocopied booklet with ramblings, writings and general outside art.

They retain their DIY aesthetic by multiple photocopying and hand-drawn illustration. But really they are a platform for whatever you can think of -articles, art, collage, interviews- after all your the editor, reporter and publisher!

I went in search of zines in Hamilton to get ideas before I took the plunge. I only found one at Auter House. I've seen a couple in Wellington and know there is Cherry Bomb comics in Auckland, that sell zines. Must have a look next time I'm up.

So I decided to give it a try, make my own personal zine as its only a couple of A4s. But I wasn't sure what topic to write about, which is also true of this blog!

I joined the zinesters website just to give me an insight. There is lots of help out there from old-hat zinesters to noobs (newbies).

Its called 'Transmission', but I have hardly included any articles in it, even though I'm a journo. Think I wanted to see if solely imagery and a brief cartoon would carry the zine.

My family like it but I pay them well.
The next step is sending it on to a 'zine distro' and spreading my message to the world. But since there are hardly any words, my message isn't exactly loud and clear.

I was thinking of doing another 8 page zine about the hot spots of Hamilton after all the positive feedback.

Monday, November 3, 2008

TV withdrawal

As an avid TV addict, the medium itself is leaving me increasingly cold.
How much more mindless TV can we take before we run for hills screaming for mercy?

Its like a daily diet of pasta and cheese, it soon becomes evident that time is passing but you are not really living.
If you read the letters to the TV Guide, we should be outside throwing ourselves around the back garden or using the remote and turning the box off.

Maybe it dulls your brain. I find the trivial actions of everyday people eating lunch, talking, shopping somehow fascinating now when paired with ridiculous commentary. Or is the ultimate death knock on your social life-"I can't go out tonight, CSI is on!"

As we are nearly at the end of election season, the TV news is now as entertaining as 'Home and Away' as politicians plead for votes with empty purses.

Debates heralded as the 'deciding event' of the election are mind-numbingly boring. A tired audience who have heard all the arguments before, act as judge and jury.

Sleeping on the couch instead of watching sounds like a great alternative. If only I could press the off button as fast as the on switch.
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